
Bo Francy

How old are you and where are you from? I am 37, and from Old Bridge, New Jersey.

How long have you lived in San Diego and what brought you here? I’ve lived in San Diego for 16 years. San Diego was my first duty station during my service in the United States Navy.

What do you hope to accomplish with someone when coaching? My goal is always to show individuals that health & wellness does not have to be a scary thing. You don’t have to starve yourself or be in the gym for hours upon hours to accomplish one’s goals. To accomplish this, I try create an environment where our members can be themselves while laughing, joking and sweating.

Describe your own personal philosophies with fitness and nutrition?

Treat your body how you would like it to perform on a daily basis.
If you want to feel like a Ferrari
- Get appropriate sleep
- Eat a balanced diet (but enjoy some bad shit sometimes)
- Stay active 3-4 times per week.

If you want to feel like a Honda
- Don’t sleep well
- Eat an unbalanced diet (enjoying to much shit)
- Sit on your couch and tell yourself that you don’t have time as you scroll through Facebook and watch Real Housewives.

Where are you going locally to destroy food, and what are you ordering? Best Brew & Pizza or Market Place Grill.

Favorite Exercise? Assault Bike (You can’t cheat)

Most hated exercise? Devil Presses

Favorite Color? Blue